One Pregnancy, Two B

One Pregnancy, Two B

author: Full Moon
classification: metropolis
update: 10分鐘前

Three months later 。"Aunt, take me there too I want to relax quietly as well." 。Such pleas had been going on for over five minutes. 。But the responses never changed. 。"No, you can't just wander around now." 。"Her third pregnancy bump is big, she might accidentally..." "Don't worry, this is the safest time, nothing bad will happen." 。Aunt Qin Jingwen's words were so familiar to her that she didn't need to listen and interrupted her aunt. 。"That won't work either, a two-hour journey is too tiring for you." 。Faced with Qin Jingwen's pleading, Qin Lan remained unmoved. 。Qin Jingwen seeing that she couldn't get through to her aunt, went to look for Qiao Liang. 。 “Dad, I want to go 。Please persuade my aunt for me. 。",The family started chatting about everyday life, and they talked for an hour.," 。"It's time for me to return to my post, we have discipline to uphold." 。" Qin Jingyi stood up as she spoke. 。OK, soldiers must obey discipline. 。Joe Liang's eyes held a mixture of reluctance, but he couldn't delay the child's time. 。Then everyone stood up. 。"Jing Yi, be sure to take good care of yourself." 。"。

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