My Amazing Female Te

My Amazing Female Te

classification: Science fiction
update: 12分鐘前

The weather is hot, so I wear shorts to school, and it gets bright white. As for me, I often drop my pen and eraser on the ground. When I lower my head to pick them up, I see the white... 。Probably because this girl is very beautiful, many male students in the class like her. Even boys who aren't usually interested give her love letters and want to be good friends with her. 。To be honest, I do like good-looking people. At first, I also wanted to write love letters like the boys in my class, but I'm a bit shy and afraid that if I write them, they might look down on me and I'll lose face. 。More than a month has passed, many boys have sent letters one after another, and I haven't seen them get along with anyone. I just keep guessing in my heart, is it that they didn't like me or don't want to dateMy deskmate has naturally curly hair, and I gave him the nickname "Hook". Hook also wrote two letters, but this guy was embarrassed to give them to others, so he asked me to deliver them. However, the ending was tragic. The two letters from Hook were like mud cows in the sea, with no echo. 。Remember that afternoon when we were getting food in the cafeteria Kou tricked me into chasing Xia Shi, saying I might even be able to win her over. 。I said, take one down, so many boys in the class have been defeated. I'm not good at studying and I'm not handsome enough, it's strange that someone would like me. 。He said this isn't necessarily true, you know, different strokes for different folks. Maybe Xia Shi likes this style of yours, how would you know unless you try 。,During the evening self-study, I saw that the teacher in charge hadn't arrived yet, so I took out my books and paper to practice calligraphy with Xia Shi. At first, I even copied a few lines of Tsangyang Gyatso's poems on top, writing them with great feeling. Just as I was engrossed, Gou kicked me with his foot and winked at me to look outside. 。Because I was sitting by the window, outside was the hallway. When I looked up, I saw our homeroom teacher lying on the window, staring at me with an unkind face. I estimated that she had been there for a while and saw me writing to Xia Shi very clearly. 。This guy scared the wits out of me, and I shoved the unfinished manuscript into my book box. But it was too late, our homeroom teacher walked in with a grim expression, went straight to me, and said: "I saw everything, hand it over." 。I argued that I was just doing my homework. Don't believe me Ask Wang Kai. 。Wang Kai is the real name of Gou. Gou stammered for a long time, just about to speak, when he was glared at by the head teacher, and he lowered his head in fright. 。The head teacher was too lazy to ask any more. He pushed me aside and, lowering his head, took out my books from my school bag. After glancing at the cover of the book, he walked to the podium and read the title aloud. The title made all the students in class laugh. Xia Shi even turned her head and glared at me fiercely. In the end, the head teacher ridiculed me, saying that I even copied the title of a book. It was so embarrassing. 。At that time, my face was so embarrassed, it turned red. The head teacher made me lose face in front of the whole class. I was furious and immediately stood up, pointing at him and shouting: "It's better for me to lose face than for you to be a cheat!" 。,The head teacher replied: Don't even mention it, a male student messed up my whole day today.。

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